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  • Partner : ICCO
  • Date : 2009-2010
  • Status : ավարտված է
  • Category : CSR guide book development, Promotion

Promoting CSR Concepts and Principles in the Armenian Business Environment

In collaboration with ICCO and with the support of the Dutch consulting firm Triodos Facet, BSC initiated the promotion of CSR concepts and principles in the Armenian business environment.

Moreover, BSC carried out both the pilot phase and the full implementation of the project Supply Chain Commercial Environmental and a Social Sustainability (SUCCESS) project aimed at strengthening the supply chain in agricultural procedures.

BSC values the role and importance of CSR as a proven factor contributing to business effectiveness, sustainability and constant development. Therefore, BSC encourages its partners and clients to adopt CSR principles through its publication of the CSR Guide for Armenian Companies, as well as through various seminars and training sessions.

  • Նպատակ
  • Solution
  • Result

The goal of this project was to convey the true concept of CSR, which is often misunderstood by Armenian entrepreneurs.

The project SUCCESS aimed at improving agricultural activities in Armenia through strengthening the supply chain.


BSC conducted a series of training sessions addressed for companies and institutions in the public, private and non-governmental sectors. The training program aimed at presenting CSR principles, challenges and adoption procedures.

The project concept was that supply chain players could behave in a responsible way throughout their operational chains and thus contribute to the sustainable development of the sub sectors (the following three main sub sectors were targeted: honey, tomato and milk production).

As a follow up to the activities in CSR area, BSC implemented the project VALUES (Value Chain Leaders Unique Experience Support), which focuses on the implementation of CSR policies by three leading companies as a model for other Armenian companies.


Over 60 private entrepreneurs from different regions of Armenia participated to the training. Project stakeholders were introduced to CSR tools that had been developed in the pilot phase.

Moreover, they were involved in the implementation of necessary changes, which let to strengthening the sector supply chain actors.
