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BSC - US Peace Corps

  • Partner : US Peace Corps
  • Date : 2013-2014
  • Status : Completed
  • Category : Performance Evaluation, Study, Research

Evaluation of the US Peace Corps Volunteers Small Project Assistance (SPA) Program

TBSC implemented an evaluation of the US Peace Corps Volunteers Small Project Assistance (SPA) Program. Within the collaboration, from 2009 to 2012 BSC evaluated a total of 15 SPA projects, which have been implemented by Peace Corps volunteers and project partners.

As part of the evaluation, BSC paid specific attention to project sustainability and evaluated every operational and procedural aspect of each project.

  • Goal
  • Solution
  • Result

The goal of this collaboration was to conduct program evaluation, revealing the positive and negative factors impacting the outcomes of each implemented project.

One of the most important factors the evaluation focused on was the “missed” benefit, which is often hardly noticeable during the project implementation phase.


The evaluation was aimed at understanding the impact of the SPA programs on communities and identifying the factors that contribute to the success and sustainability of each individual project.

BSC conducted fieldwork for 15 SPA programs, including face-to-face interviews with program stakeholders, partners, SPA Committee members and the US Peace Corps Armenia staff. Moreover, focus group discussions were conducted with project beneficiaries enabling a deeper assessment.


Based on the data collected and the analysis of evaluation results, three cases studies have been developed, complete with recommendations for further activities.

In addition to the comprehensive report evaluation, results were summarized and presented in a presentation session, followed by Q&A sessions with BSC consultants, Peace Corps Armenia staff and SPA Committee members.
