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BSC - Jinishyan Memorial Foundation (JMF)

  • Partner : Jinishian Memorial Foundation
  • Date : 2016
  • Status : Completed
  • Category : Training Sessions on Business Management, Planning and Entrepreneurship

Training on Business Management, Business Planning and Entrepreneurship Development

Within the scope of the project “Support for Start-Up Entrepreneurs: Business Management and Business Plan Development Skills” financed by Jinishian Memorial Foundation (JMF) and World Vision Armenia (WVA), BSC Business Support Center, in collaboration with Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development (CEED), implemented a one-month-long training program on business management, business planning and entrepreneurship development.

  • Goal
  • Solution
  • Result

The overall objective of the project was to support the young people in Gavar, Sevan, Chambarak and Vardenis communities of Gegharkunik region in Armenia with the purpose of growing their entrepreneurship skills, as well as creating new job opportunities within the communities.


In collaboration with Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development (CEED), BSC developed a training module customized to meet the project needs, as well as conducted one-month-long training session on business management, business planning and entrepreneurship development.

Upon completing the training sessions, BSC and CEED experts delivered individual consulting sessions and follow-up activities to the training participants – young and aspiring entrepreneurs from four communities in Gegharkunik region (Gavar, Sevan, Chambarak and Vardenis) and which helped guide them through the processes of creating business development plans.


The project provided its participants – young people from Gavar, Sevan, Chambarak and Vardenis in the Gegharkunik region – to realize their innovative business ideas, contribute to the economic development in their communities and create new workplaces.

The success of such projects is conditioned with the strategy driven by the resolution of realistic problems, as well as by the effective collaboration of a number of organizations: Jinishian Memorial Foundation (JMF), World Vision Armenia (WVA) and Center for Agribusiness and Rural Development (CARD).

The finalized business plans were later introduced to the representatives of JMF and the Center for Agribusiness and Rural Development (CARD) Foundation for evaluation. The participants who presented the most feasible and innovative business ideas received business loans from CARD Foundation.
