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BSC - Grand Candy

  • Partner : Grand Candy
  • Date : 2009-2010
  • Status : Completed
  • Category : Research, Study, Assessment

Research Study for Grand Candy

BSC carried out a research study for Grand Candy in the 10 regions of Armenia.

As a company valuing public opinion, through the research Grand Candy aimed at assessing the Armenian people’s attitude towards the company, its products, brand stores and marketing activities.

  • Goal
  • Solution
  • Result

Grand Candy aimed at having a clear picture of its company’s position in the market through a deep research study.


The research study included face-to-face interviews with people from four different age groups. Five focus group discussions with 47 participants from various age groups and who were consumers of Grand Candy products, were carried out.

An interesting peculiarity of the study was working with children, given that one focus group discussions was held with children aged 4-14.


The study results were presented to Grand Candy in a detailed report, which included an analysis of public opinion and attitudes towards the company, its products, brand stores and marketing activities. Comments and suggestions by interview participants were included in the report.

The research helped Grand Candy have a clear picture of its position in the market and of the public’s opinion and attitudes towards the company. Moreover, it helped the company understand whether they were on the right track and make informed decisions.
