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BSC - Enpard

  • Partner : ENPARD, UNDP Armenia
  • Date : 2015-2016
  • Status : Completed
  • Category : Training, Business Plan Development, Value chain, Workshop

Producer Group and Value Chain Development, ENPARD

Within the project Producer Group and Value Chain Development by ENPARD (European Neighborhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development) technical assistance funded by EU, BSC supported agricultural cooperatives to promote production of buckwheat, berries and other non-traditional crops.

By implementing such projects, BSC contributes to the transition of the Armenian traditional agriculture to an industrial one and the development of agriculture based on business grounds that provides farmers from different regions of Armenia with the opportunity to earn their living and to contribute to the increased income of the farm households by creating new jobs.

  • Goal
  • Solution
  • Result

The main goal of this project was to develop value chains for the production of non-traditional crops and berries.

The projects intended to support the establishment of agriculture cooperatives in several regions of Armenia.


BSC and Avenue Consulting Group carried out business capacity development trainings for producer groups and provided business plan development services for 110 farmers in the Aragatsotn, Vayots Dzor, Ararat, Gegharkunik, Kotayk, Shirak and Lori regions of Armenia.


BSC and Avenue Consulting Group conducted two-day several training sessions aiming at the development the participants’ business and managerial skills.

During the second phase of the project, BSC and Avenue Consulting Group supported participants to develop business plans. Selected participants presented their business plans to the Program Manager and the Selection Committee. Within the project, all 40 producer groups received seeds and pesticides to help them start their own agricultural production.

Moreover, they received coordinated support throughout the registration processes of their agricultural cooperatives, as well as received funds to start their production.

The project created opportunities to developing domestic production in Armenia, as well as contributed to entrepreneurship development, generated new workplaces and, most importantly, contributed to the further development of farmers’ potential within their own country.
