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BSC - SOS Children’s Villages Armenia

  • Партнер : SOS Children’s Villages Armenia
  • Дата : 2020-2023
  • Статус : Завершенный
  • Категория : Обучение, Консалтинг, Разработка бизнес-плана, Интеграция

SINA - Social-Economic Integration of Syrian-Armenian Families in Yerevan

BSC has been implementing the project "Socioeconomic Integration of Syrian-Armenian Families in Yerevan” since 2020 in close collaboration with SOS Children’s Villages Armenian Charity Foundation funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The key Project objectives are improvement of the psychosocial situation, development of the employability skills of socio-economically marginalized Syrian-Armenian families, provision of advanced education level for Syrian-Armenian children and their integration into the Armenian education system. The project also seeks to protect the rights of Syrian Armenians concerning socio-economic response.

  • Цель
  • Решение
  • Результат

The goal of the project is to improve the socio-economic integration of Yerevan-based vulnerable Syrian-Armenian families who have fled from Syria to Armenia.

By the end of the project overall 100 Syrian-Armenians will learn how to set up, manage and grow their own businesses. Additionally, business-minded Syrian-Armenians with business ideas will be able to present their business plans to a selection committee and 50 most viable business ideas will be supported with seed capital.


The project helps participants to develop their skills in order to cope with psychological problems and war traumas as well as promote entrepreneurial skills through a training program. In this regard, participating in the business training program, project beneficiaries will realize their business plans and increase their employability owing to vocational learning programs and other qualifying courses.


The final outcome of the project will be that about 157 Syrian-Armenians will develop entrepreneurship skills, in particular taking a training program on entrepreneurship. Moreover, 100 of them will learn how to run their own businesses having an opportunity to get a start-up fund to realize their business ideas and have stable enterprises.

Within 2020-2021 years, 45 beneficiaries from the project have obtained entrepreneurial skills, 34 Business Plans have been developed, and 11 businesses have been established which are still operating.
