BSC Business Support Center and the Center for International Private Enterprises (CIPE) conducted the 3rd public-private dialogue (PPD) meeting in the frames of the joint project of “Shaping the Digital Economy Agenda in Armenia". The meeting was held on July 18 and was the 3rd meeting of the series of 8 PPDs.
The event was held jointly with the Information Systems Agency of Armenia (ISAA), within the framework of the Agency’s Data Classification Working Group meetings.
The purpose of the data classification working group meeting was to create a communication platform between the organizations involved in the working group, representatives of the public and private sectors. In the course of the meeting, the representatives of the ISAA presented the proposed data classification methodology, its application and security. During the meeting, members of the working group discussed the action plan and the next steps of the group, expressed their concerns with the representatives of the public sector and agency employees.
The series of public-private dialogues (PPDs) is carried out within the framework of the “Shaping the Digital Economy Agenda in Armenia" project of the Business Support Center (BSC) and the Center for International Private Enterprises (CIPE). To participate in the next PPD meetings of the project, subscribe with the link below and follow our announcements.