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  • Partner : USAID CAPS
  • Date : 2007
  • Status : Completed
  • Category : Market Research, Tourism

Strategy Development for the Union of Information Technology Enterprises (UITE)

Within the USAID Competitive Armenian Private Sector - CAPS project, BSC developed the 2010-2013 strategy for Union of Information Technology Enterprises – UITE (now Union of Advanced Enterprises – UATE).

Specialized in management consulting for organizations in the IT sector, BSC sees great importance in its strategic cooperation with UITE and strives to implement joint projects aimed at the development of the IT sector.

The collaboration was a highly effective one. BSC became a full member of UITE in 2015 and continues to actively participates in its events and initiatives.

  • Goal
  • Solution
  • Result

Union of Information Technology Enterprises (UITE) wanted to create a strategic plan that served its mission well and helped the organization to ensure the protection of economic interests of enterprises in the information and communication sector (ICT) in Armenia, as well as business promotion and advancement of research in the ICT sector.


BSC Development of the UITE 2010-2013 strategy was the basis for long-term strategic cooperation between the organizations.


In result, UITE’s mission and vision were developed, internal and external market factors were assessed, development opportunities were identified and a 20-year action plan was developed.

BSC believes that a company's strategic outlook is a crucial factor in its business success, as it is highly important to have a clear picture of the company's development future, and the steps necessary to lead to achieving its goals.

In the process of the UITE strategy development, BSC ensured participation of the staff for discussions, brainstorming meetings and team games.
